Thursday, 15 April 2010

These are my test images, also for the VAINS project. We dont want to get into copyright troubles, so I scanned in a whole load of images from the days when I actually used to print my own photos. Its made me realise how much better my olde worlde SLR analogue photographic images are then the digital ones I've been taking for the last 8 years. Few of my cheapy digital images have the same clarity and dazzling clean colours. Like a lot of such re-mediations, the switch from analogue to digital (for me at least) represents a horrendous loss of quality, the worst culprit is MP3. I suppose I shuould blame myself for using cheap, lightweight equipment. But expensive things are wasted on me. I break them, lose them or am too lazy to lug them around. Looking at the older pictures makes me feel sad. I can't reconcile the past with the present. I dont even believe I went to those places. The memory of them is more like the memory of a dream, or writing a story.

Lee Weinberg and I are developing test software for our VAINS online curation project, this test will be fully functional in the next couple of weeks. It will help us construct a base data-set for a sort of predictive software system.

Sunday, 4 April 2010

pursuit of cloudiness:

I've used an example of Pong and changed it a bit so it can be used as a link mechanism if you win a game, these are ongoing sketches for alternative navigational devices: