Saturday, 19 December 2009

This Christmas break is an opportunity to get immersed in finishing my final PhD chapter - in time honoured fashion - the introduction. Now that I am supposed to fully grasp what it is I am introducing. Then the really challenging bit, which is to make the whole thing into a coherent whole. I'm living on crackers and mince pies, which will run out anyday now, what with being virtually snowed in (yes there are at least 3 millimetres of ice on my front garden path), and buckets more on the way. I think I'm going to miss it though. I've really enjoyed being able to immerse myself in answering one question over three years! The biscuit is for Jane Skead - enjoy...

1 comment:

  1. Love the biscuit, even the diagonal!!! I am testing out these new poppy seed biscuits, not so gouey on the old teeth.skeady
